
We are released from the field trip into an underground luncheon complex. My friend waits on line with everyone else at the macrobiotic stall, but when he attempts to make small talk with the attendant he is booed out of the sector. As she threatens a self-immolation if the rudeness continues, I recognize her as the boss's daughter. I forget how to get back up to the open-air concourse where there is a South Indian thali stand, which I am pretty sure is gluten-free. So I go back to the welcoming party in the basement. There I find a young reporter who, in interviewing me, reveals that she is actually the daughter of the enemy emir on a reconnaissance mission. I take her into my confidence and show her the monkey bars, but she falls off, and when someone tries to leap down to help, she suffers a blow to the head which knocks her half-conscious.

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