
Roy and Edna.


As I nod off on the train, I hear the intertwining strains of violin and trumpet which occasionally resolve into a full quartet. When I wake I realize my editor is sitting behind me. And the whole scene, including my first auditory dream, was itself just a dream.


The new office is furnished with a guest bed with flannel sheets.


My mother has been hired to assassinate Sigmund Freud at a convention of psychoanalysts. In mercy I empty the 11 caliber revolver of its rounds and, as I slide them into my desk drawer, see that they have turned to shiny quarters.


The yoga teacher explains that she is happy to take our questions in the hall after class, and that she is not forbidden to spend time with students as friends. But if she watches a film with us, for example, she will charge us for two hours of private instruction. Later my brother takes the wheel and guides our model car into the sea. We arrive at the quayside inn soaked and late. As we prepare for bed, I see two cats, one gray and one black, that keep jumping down to a concrete courtyard at least three floors below. They land on their feet.


Wake up with shin splints on a flint plinth and think, "I need a mint julep."
Milky and pure with a metal tinge.


Once we settle on Chinese delivery, I'm taking orders. Tobin wants beans, which I assume means mung.


Drive off a cliff again. Drive off a cliff again. Drive off a cliff again.


A thin man hands me a wad of bills. Wanting to reciprocate, I give him all the money in my back pocket. He takes back his own wad and walks away.